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Flower, or wand? A new photo in the 'Traces' series
I came across this discarded flower recently, made from the pages of a Harry Potter book. Not sure whether this gives the flower wand...

My mother loved yellow, because of its cheerfulness. Yellow flowers remind me of her and make me smile. It’s as though she is still here...

Cow nose
People seem to really like this photo. Getting up this close you can certainly see the detail. Such a big wet nose, and such soft short...

Elegantly written rubbish
Some people always take care to do things nicely, even when it's something as mundane as putting old cardboard out to be thrown away. I...

Fear of the game
It is the writing underneath that I like about this!

If you like bricks...
If you like bricks, you should love this image! This wall is in Farnham, facing the Central car park, and my eye was caught by the...

Night sheep
So I was just coming out of the pub*... when I saw the sheep in the field. There's something disconcerting about sheep at night. They're...

Car wash
I like to have my camera with me everywhere, in case I see something that catches my eye. Here's a couple of photos I took inside the car...

Matching people and artworks
I came across a fantastic selection of photos today by Stefan Draschan, of people whose outfits match the artworks they are viewing in...

Entry to the self
I love how translation can make the familiar seem otherworldly. In French, the word for a self-service counter is le self, so this...
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